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The Truth About Myers Cocktail: IV Vitamin Therapy

Looking for an added boost to your immune system? You definitely need the Myers' cocktail to give you that additional increase in your energy levels. It provides a much-needed kick in your metabolism with its special preparation of vitamins like Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex, Calcium, and Magnesium given intravenously.

Intravenous Vitamin Therapy

We all know that it takes time for oral medications to take effect. But when given intravenously it is well-absorbed by the body. This enables higher concentrations of these vitamins in our bloodstream. It will then stimulate your immune system in no time. It is incorporated in a sterile water and can be transfused for about 35-45 minutes.

This safe and effective treatment is good for those individuals who are constantly stressed with their everyday lives and living conditions. Imagine the number of people who are affected by these type of stressful situations.

These factors make them more sickly and always tired. They need to continuously improve their immune function to easily fight illnesses and add more strength to their body.

A daily dose of Vitamin C is important. It keeps the cells healthy by preventing free radicals and luckily, the Myers' cocktail has this vitamin in it. This powerful antioxidant will help people to reduce if not prevent a variety of diseases.

Also, the infusion will aid those people who continuously undergo strenuous activities like athletes and students. The Vitamin B Complex in the Myers' cocktail will help them regain their much-needed strength and endurance. It will prevent nerve damage, boost their metabolism and give healthy hormones.

Proven Benefits

Myers' cocktail has helped people become healthy for several years now. It brought a great change to those who are suffering from Chronic Fatigue, Asthma, Allergies, Depression, and Hormonal Imbalances. Other users can even attest that Myers' cocktail alleviated their mood and hangovers while some people were able to revive and hydrate their skin. Now they have that extra energy that you always wanted.

These changes are a just some of the changes that this IV infusion can give. Keep in mind that it will improve your general health and contribute to the betterment of your overall well being, in the least amount of time. With continuous use, they can even maintain that youthful glow they have.

The benefits of Myers' cocktails are endless. You can have your infusions done weekly and taper it down depending on your condition. But with the good results, this IV therapy can do for you, we're sure you are going to make it part of their lifestyle.

“You can't take your good health for granted!'

Jack Osbourne

If you are in need of an IV Vitamin Therapy to keep you on the go then consider booking an appointment now! There's always a Hydrate House assistant that is more than willing to give you the IV Therapy that you need!

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